How to make money on TikTok

how to make money on tiktok


TikTok started its journey in 2016. The main intent of this app was to create short videos.  The length of these videos can be 15 to 60 seconds. You can make any kind of videos like cooking, humor, motivation, educational, beauty, and health-related videos.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tik Tok.

As everything in the world has some advantages and at the same time it has some disadvantages as well. So we’ll discuss some good and bad points about tik tok.

Full of fun:

According to me the only advantage of tik tok is that it contains endless humorous content. What’s better than to make the world smile and make others laugh? If you’re free and you don’t have anything to do you watch the content according to your taste. It can refresh your mood and it can reduce your anxiety and depression.

It can make you a celebrity:

Every third person is a celebrity on tik tok.  It’s like a dream to show your talent online and receive the appreciation of viewers. Making good content that can amuse or help people can make you famous in the entire world. You can follow someone you like the most.

A wonderful option for business promotion:

Tik tok is a wonderful tool if you have started a new business and you want to promote your business globally so that everyone can get information about it. Tik tok is absolutely one of the best ways to promote your business. You just have to record a short video related to your business and upload it on tik tok.

You need no effort:

Yes, it’s right. You don’t have to be extraordinary and you don’t need to make extra efforts. You have to try to make content that can go viral. That’s it.


Wastage of time:

The young generation is spending more than enough time on tik tok instead of doing something productive. It won’t be wrong to say that tik tok is destroying the mindset of the young generation. They waste too much time, energy, and eyes. it can affect your physical and mental health as well.

Addiction of tik tok:

There are so many children in the world who are just addicted to tik tok. It is the main reason for distraction for the children. Most of the kids avoid co-curricular or physical activities and spend most of their time on tik tok watching lame and useless content. I think when you go to tik tok there is no way to get back. Avoid it as much as possible.

Unhealthy lifestyle:

The worst thing about this app is that most of the adults are using it. They have so abnormal routines, disturbed sleeping cycles, and not concentrating enough on their studies which leads to poor performance in school as well.

how to make money on TikTok?

There are various ways to earn money from tik tok.

Join the tik tok ingenuity:

Tik tokers who have a massive fan following can earn money from the Tik tok creativity program. This program was introduced in May 2023. To earn money from that program tik tokers should have at least 10,000 followers and 1 million views on any of their good videos.


The user should be 18 not less than that to participate in that program.

And of course, he should have at least 10,000 followers.

Your account and content should be good enough.

Sell goods on tik tok:

This is one of the best ways to earn money from tik tok. You can sell your own products to your beloved fans. But you need to keep one thing in your mind is that the products should be decent and affordable. You can sell anything you have the desire to sell. It could be beauty products, clothes, jewelry, caps, and stationary-related things. It will be great for your business if your fans will use your products and definitely they will spread your business.

Go live:

You can go live quite often for the happiness of your fans. The most important thing about going live is that your fans have some interesting gifts for you as well. Doing a live session on tik tok is also one of the ways to earn money.

how to make money on TikTok? – 25 Proven Tactics in 2023

  • Influencer marketing:
  • Advertised content:
  • Affiliate marketing:
  • Long-term brand relationships:
  • Merchandise sales:
  • Livestream gifting:
  • TikTok Creator Fund:
  • Crowdfunding:
  • Event appearances:
  • Teach a skill:
  • TikTok challenges:
  • Promote your other social media Channels
  • Branded hashtags:
  • TikTok Ads:
  • Song promotion:
  • Business content production:
  • Influencer shoutouts:
  • Product Reviews:
  • Event promotion:
  • Share rare behind-the-scenes
  • TikTok channel management:
  • Songwriting or jingle creation:
  • Social media consulting:
  • Create an influencer agency
  • Product endorsements:

With an extensive background spanning six years in the field of content writing, he has cultivated a wealth of expertise, particularly in the realms of Automobile Business, Real Estate, and various other domains. His current portfolio includes notable contributions to renowned platforms such as,,,, and

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