Holiday hours for World Market

Holiday hours for World Market



During the holiday period, World Market infers a noteworthy growth in trade. World Market promotes home furnishings, interior design, hangings, carpets, gifts, clothing, coffee, wine, and a range of international foodstuffs. World Market serves revenues throughout the holidays because consumers have free time to spend money during the breaks. They are not open 24/7, yet, have different hours on specific days of the year. Cost Plus World Market extends its hours during the holiday time to deal with an improved number of consumers. On Sundays, most stores have reduced hours.

Shopping Strategies at World Market:

Listed below few shopping strategies to consider when shopping at World Market:

Get ready before the opportunity:

Before visiting World Market, create a shopping list of the things you need or want to purchase.  This important act will assist you in remaining focused.

 Look for promotions:

Maintain a checkout for World Market advancements, concessions, or special bids. This will help you in saving money on your purchases.

Examine the global choice:

World Market is well-known for its wide range of international products. Explore different collections and new varieties around the world to take advantage of.

Compare expenses:

When shopping at World Market, compare rates for similar items to get the best offer. Deliberate factors such as quality, quantity, and benefits.

Online shopping:

Some items may be inaccessible in stores, and you may prefer shopping online. World Market also offers online shopping, which can be convenient.

Holiday hours for World Market

Here is a list of world market holiday hours in 2023, along with their dates. The stores will be open during these holidays:

Festivals DateOpening timing
New Year’s Day1st of JanuaryRegular hours
Martin Luther King Day16th of JanuaryRegular hours
Presidents’ Day20th of FebruaryRegular hours
Good Friday7th of AprilRegular hours
Ester Monday10th of AprilRegular hours
Memorial Day29th of MayRegular hours
Independence Day4th of JulyRegular hours
Labor Day4th of SeptemberRegular hours
Columbus Day9th of OctoberRegular hours
Veterans Day11th of NovemberRegular hours
Day Before Thanksgiving22nd  of NovemberRegular hours
Black Friday24th of NovemberExtended Hours
Christmas Eve24th of DecemberRegular Hours
Day after Christmas26th of DecemberRegular Hours
New Year’s Eve31st of DecemberRegular Hours


Here are some more international market holidays. During these holidays, stores will also be open.
Festivals DateOpening timing
Valentine’s Day14th of FebruaryReduced hours
Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday21st of FebruaryRegular Hours
St. Patrick’s Day17th of MarchRegular Hours
Mother’s Day14th of MayRegular Hours
Father’s Day18th of JuneRegular Hours
Halloween31 of OctoberRegular Hours
Boxing day26th of DecemberReduced Hours/Close

The majority of World Market stores are closed for trade on the subsequent holidays:

Festivals DateTiming
Easter Sunday9th of AprilClosed
Thanksgiving Day23rd of NovemberClosed
Christmas Day25th of DecemberClosed

World Market Trading Hours:

Trading HoursOpening HoursClosing hours
Monday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Saturday9:00 AM9:00 PM
Sunday9:00 AM7:00 PM


It is noteworthy that holiday hours may vary by locality. There may be some further local or national holidays that disturb the particular marketplace. Therefore, it is always a good idea to consult the store’s official website and check the store’s operating hours during the holidays with your nearby World Market stock.


Is it possible to shop at World Market on Sunday?

The World Market is generally open on Sundays. Their store opening and closing times may differ depending on location, so check the exact store’s timetable.

Do World Market stores have limited hours on holidays?

 World Market stores commonly have reduced hours on holidays when they stay open. The specific working hours may differ by store location.


With an extensive background spanning six years in the field of content writing, he has cultivated a wealth of expertise, particularly in the realms of Automobile Business, Real Estate, and various other domains. His current portfolio includes notable contributions to renowned platforms such as,,,, and

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